Snail mail band
Snail mail band

snail mail band

There’s this group called Outer Spaces that’s really great. They’re a two-piece usually - maybe a four piece right now - have really inspiring songwriting. Some really incredible bands that we have going on right now are Romantic States - they opened up our show at the Ottobar. I’m rarely home now, and when I am home I don’t get to the gigs much. I feel kind of removed from it right now. How did the Baltimore music scene influence you?

#Snail mail band full

It was a really interesting experience packed full of surprises and difficulty, but it was really cool. I had infinite resources coming from the Matador departments, which would be incredible. All the people I worked with in the process of recording were amazing and wonderful. I wanted it to be a really concise record as our debut, and I spent a lot of time trying to make everything exactly how I wanted it to be. I wrote something like 30 songs in the process of trying to narrow it down to 10. The span of time it was written was really long. "Pristine" was written right directly around the time we were writing Habit.

snail mail band

I wrote it over the span of a year-and-a-half, right up to being in the studio and having to write one or two more and then recording it the next day. Tell us about how this record came together I think the “p-word” exists for a small few in the music world. Enjoy unlimited access to 70 million ad-free songs and podcasts with Amazon Music Sign up now for a 30-day free trial Sign up

Snail mail band